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GetMagic B+ XL Grow Kit

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B+ Kit de cultivo XL de setas alucinógenas GetMagic

6 Revisión(es)

Disponibilidad: Menos de 5 en stock

52,50 €
Multi Banco
Revisiones de Cliente (6)
Easy to grow
I like it first flush 200g,see how mush will be next Revisión por Janis (Publicado en 8/10/2023)
The best thing that happened to me since I can remember
I bought this kit because of my wife, who has a chronic sleeping issue for many years, as we thought it might help her with that.
The kit worked as intended, we took proper care during the growth period, and were able to harvest a good quantity after 20+ days.

It seems my wife have some sort of resistance for now, and it had just a mild effect on her. On myself, it was a very different story, as using this mushroom completely changed the way I see the world and my own life, not to mention that the day I used it, I had the most powerful experience of my life.

We want to try again with her, and I definitely gonna further my experience with it.

Very grateful for the team that provided this wonderful experience.
I will not go into more detail, because this might get too big, but I higly recommend it.

The delivery was on time, and the customer service is the best ever.
Revisión por Thiago (Publicado en 23/6/2023)
Estuve confundida. No sabía si saldrían o no y luego comenzaron a crecer como locas. Revisión por Samantha (Publicado en 27/3/2023)
Nice product Revisión por Roberta (Publicado en 25/3/2023)
Fast shipping and good first flush
The whole payment/shipping experience was really nice. My first flush was only few very large mushrooms. Trying to optimize the environment to get manny small ones with the next flush instead. Excited to see how many more there are gonna be. Overall very happy! Revisión por floffy (Publicado en 3/3/2023)
probably the best so far
i already had another brands and GetMagic imho have best bags and substrat, their manual is best telling you to leave glass of water on the bottom of the bag which distribute heat and provides perfect humidity. when fruiting bag can be slightly opened as more oxygen may give more yield. heating matt or warm palce with daylight strongly recommended.

this is my honest opinion and I'm not going to get paid for this or use promocode, I can even pay more for kits as good as GetMagic™
Revisión por jack (Publicado en 23/12/2022)

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Important information about B+ XL Kit de cultivo - GetMagic

  • La compra de este producto está restringida a personas mayores de 18 años.
  • Al iniciar una compra, usted confirma el conocimiento y cumplimiento de los términos legales relativos al producto o productos en su país de residencia, así como su elegibilidad para adquirirlos y poseerlos.
  • Se aplican restricciones de envío a este producto. Consulte la Información adicional para descubrir nuestras zonas de no entrega.
  • El consumo de setas mágicas es responsabilidad exclusiva suya, así que asegúrese de informarse bien sobre su uso y sus efectos.