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A flush of B+ XL

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B+ cubensis kit de cultivo Extra Grande de setas mágicas Mondo®

50 Revisión(es)

Disponibilidad: En stock

49,95 €
Multi Banco
Revisiones de Cliente (50)
Excellent product! Ive just finished my first flush, got excellent results cant wait for the bigger 2nd yield

P.s. The first mushroom that popped up was freakin epic!
Revisión por Kiwi (Publicado en 2/6/2015)
Big by name Big by nature
Grow Report
From soak to picking 16+-Days consecutive flushes pin in 3 days pick in extra 3-5
First F> 180g Second F>180+- Third F>240 Forth F>190+- Fifth F>90 Six on the way.
Now as everybody will say they grow just from the sides. so on flush number 3 I did as others and took the cake out the container and placed it directly in the bag. As you can see that's when I got the big flush and 4 was amazing too. The shrooms also grew really big due to more room 10g-40g bad boys. When I grow these again from the start the container will only be used for soaking.
They are very forgiving compared to other shrooms. The pesky heat mat turned off a few times leaving them cold for a few days here and there and also after 6 flushes still no contamination and the grow bag is looking ratty with all the use. They just take forever to dry!

Trip Report
First time I came home drunk and stupidly thought its an awesome idea specially on a school night. Drank tea 2g dry, in 20 minutes the room started to swallow me in colours I remember clambering to opening the window and turning off the lights cause it was all to much I came too 2 hours later messsssy!!!!

2nd ate 1.5 dry ice cream, come up you want to be very warm colours kick in and things feel melty super lazy, The gf never felt anything 1.3hrs later made tea to help her 1g each 20min later we burst into laughter for minutes on end a wave of happiness comes over you and the energy picks up and you not feeling as cold. Sipping on beer and wine went down well and everything was colourful and dancing we topped up again with more tea a fun night. To me its like other indulgence you have to break that barrier to get to the prime spot. Treated the rest of my trips like this. Also never felt any philosophical stuff on these at all.

Finally the trips need to be weeks apart, I did them 2 weekends running and ate 7 grams to try get anywhere what a waste.

Happy shrooming
Revisión por Saffa (Publicado en 18/3/2015)
einfach und schnell
das B+ war mein erstes growkit und ich bin absolut begeistert!
anfangs war ich ein bisschen skeptisch ob ich es auch schaffe, aber das ist echt total einfach :-)

hab jetzt meinen dritten flush geerntet, die shrooms werden jetzt zwar schon weniger, aber dafür immer größer :D

ich würde allerdings empfehlen die reifen shrooms einfach mit einer schere abzuschneiden und nicht rauszudrehen wie in der beschreibung beschrieben ... ich hab so versehentlich oft was ruiniert.

zur wirkung kann ich leider nicht viel sagen da ich keine waage hatte und halt einfach ein bisschen gekostet hab^^ aber sie funktionieren auf jeden fall ;)

klare kaufempfehlung für einsteiger!
Revisión por McFly (Publicado en 4/3/2015)
gracias fuer allet
Hi leutz..das ersatzkit hat geflusht wie teufel im gegensatz zum ersten kit.
Danke fuer alles..trip ist stark koerperbetont aber trotzdem bombe!!!
Seit gedankt
seit besten wo gehto_O

C u
Revisión por baddabooom (Publicado en 18/6/2014)
Everything went as expected. I strongly advise not to use any of the products if you have some kind of a problem, any problem, unless you're ready to face it. Anyway shrooms grew as expected and I harvested it at least 4 times with good yield. They we're potent. Revisión por Ilja (Publicado en 2/11/2013)
An nem Freitag abend bestellt und Online Überwiesen und bereits am Donnerstag war das Paket hier :) am selben tag angefangen und ohne Komplikationen nach ca 2 wochen den ersten Flush gehabt.. von der menge her kann man locker das doppelte rechnen wie bei den kleinen Boxen..somit macht man ein gutes Geschäft :) zur wirkung kann ich noch nichts sagen aber ich denke altbewährte B+ Qualität :P Revisión por Psychonaut (Publicado en 15/7/2013)
Great harvest and no problems with delivery!
Easiest way to grow your own mushrooms! Took me exactly 2 weeks to get my first flush. All I did was follow the instructions and spray water every other day to keep the bag humid, that's all it took!

When it comes to the strain B+, it's good if you're new to mushrooms and it did give me very profound trips.
Revisión por AliG32 (Publicado en 5/4/2013)
Great box 6 Flushes,1215g total
Box arrived fast on jan.21.First flush took 19 days from filling the box with water to harvest.Same like the guy below me, they grow only on the sides nothing in the middle,but i got 64 mushrooms,weight 240g.Second flush only 7 days later,weight 225g.On third flush i noticed lots of mushrooms growing on the bottom of the box so i decided to do a little cake experiment.I take the brick in the box and let it stand on one side,so the musrooms can grow everywhere.Thanks to it i got 300g on 3rd flush.Same thing 4th flush (cake) and 230g.5th flush(cake) 170g.6flush (cake) 50g.Today is 4.april , i will try to go for a 7th flush but i think that the box is done.Thanks magic mushrooms.Great box. Revisión por PedroS (Publicado en 4/4/2013)
they grow only from side edge center is empty, so first gild was 17g wich is less than small PES Amazon
Revisión por Bojan (Publicado en 14/3/2013)
Päckchen war nach grad mal 24h da, inklusive 2 superleckeren keksen XD

Revisión por Martin (Publicado en 5/3/2013)

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Important information about Mondo® kit de cultivo B+ XL

  • La compra de este producto está restringida a personas mayores de 18 años.
  • Al iniciar una compra, usted confirma el conocimiento y cumplimiento de los términos legales relativos al producto o productos en su país de residencia, así como su elegibilidad para adquirirlos y poseerlos.
  • Se aplican restricciones de envío a este producto. Consulte la Información adicional para descubrir nuestras zonas de no entrega.
  • El consumo de setas mágicas es responsabilidad exclusiva suya, así que asegúrese de informarse bien sobre su uso y sus efectos.