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Mexican Mazatapec strain

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Mazatapec cubensis kit de cultivo de setas mágicas

30 Revisión(es)

Disponibilidad: En stock

34,95 €
Multi Banco
Revisiones de Cliente (30)
Hell to the yeah!
I did buy my first kit with this mexican. First try of shrooms, and i ate 20g fresh 12 a clock. The colors from my Itunes visualiserer an music was so much cooler and noooot! like ordinary. the firm shape of my apartment was normal but colors was wavy. And when i did walk It was a wavy feeling along with a mdma feeling along. ate after been eating stuff so did not get full effect. going to try again today 3 friends starter 4g each and we have 14 in reserve dry =) growing was easy and did much shrooms. had a rainforest uv lamp for iguana 50 cm over, did work well and the biggest was 12,5cm. i got 30g dry but i was a bit early harvesting. did grow 3-4mm hour and the bigger the faster they did grow. going for the treasure Chest next. for first timers! the kit are so easily contaminated! wait for the rings in the first fungus to drop down and then! for the first time you start tuching the shrooms. i ended up with black spores on my last few. ended up destroying my kit. clean up and sterilize your hands and use gloves in addition. wash up to the elbow, to be sure. You will easily touch the bag with the high container Revisión por Daniel (Publicado en 13/3/2012)
Mexian is a classic. The grow kits was excellent.. 7 flushes so far :)
Magic-mushrooms-shop.com knows what they are doing! All the mycelium boxes I've ordered from them has been great, and the latest 2 boxes of Mexican was excellent. They were for the awesome annual New Years Trip (there's nothing like fireworks while tripping!!!), and they delivered what you would expect and more.

Payment and delivery: great service.
Growing: kits better than ever. Several solid flushes.
Effects: what you would expect if you've tried them before. If you want to trip for the first time - they are easy, playful and euphoric. Listen to music, dance, let loose and have soft things around.

Would recommend not to take less than 2g dried. 3g is perfect for an easy and awesome trip.. I once saw myself as an Alex Grey-painting in the mirror on 4,5g on these ;)
Revisión por matas (Publicado en 15/1/2012)
The best one !
Very good box, I have done many crops, so far I've made 5 and still growing. Excellent quality and great service, the best one! Revisión por savitri (Publicado en 5/11/2011)
Great flushes! Very nice and clear trip!
This box is defiantely worth it!!!! Revisión por Felix (Publicado en 4/11/2011)
Perfect beginners shroom
My first experience with shrooms was with mexicans and I have come to love them. 1,5-2g dried is a good beginners dose. You will have a fun trip that will leave you amazed.

Up your dosage to 3g and things start to get real interesting. Very visual, music sounds wonderful and your mind is filled with the shrooms magic.

My first kit yielded great results, but my second was rather disappointing, but that may be my fault. Will order again and see what happens.
Revisión por Skytouch (Publicado en 22/7/2011)
special!!! service and support
Mexican mushrooms' trip is good,but light..
Very clean senses and nice feeling
Good fun
Very good for somebody's first time
Revisión por spiros/ioanna (Publicado en 26/5/2011)
super gut super schnelll immer gerne wieder
echt schnelle aufzucht und super einfach zu bendienen gerne immer wider Revisión por pilllweeeee (Publicado en 29/3/2011)
Was wrong. Excellent mushrooms, if eating more than 2 grams. But the visual effects are not :) Revisión por Eduards (Publicado en 29/11/2010)
When ordering, delivery, and growing - all excellent, as indicated on the site.
But the effect of the product a little disappointed, too weak.
Effects: relaxing, very good mood, mirth and laughter, the effect of waves as there is, no visual sensations. No side effects, except for lung fatigue the next day. I recommend these mushrooms for those who have never tried this kind of products. Mexicans are good because of them definitely will not be ill trip.
Revisión por Eduards (Publicado en 22/11/2010)
Makkelijk (5 sterren) en vermakelijk (4 sterren)
Met wat vrienden flink op deze paddo's zitten trippen. Iedereen was echt lijp, veel lachen en dingen zien, enzo.

Ik was eerst een beetje sceptisch over deze kweeksetjes, voor het verbod kocht ik gewoon verse paddo's bij de smartshop. Zelf kweken of plukken vond ik een beetje lastig. Ik kan geen plant in leven houden.
Maar dit kitje was erg relaxt, groeide als een malle vooral de tweede oogst ging snel. Bij de eerste flush waren er niet echt veel paddo's, maar daarna heb ik er nog 3 keer flink wat uit gehaald.
Revisión por Texmex (Publicado en 9/6/2010)

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Important information about Mondo® kit de cultivo Mazatapec

  • La compra de este producto está restringida a personas mayores de 18 años.
  • Al iniciar una compra, usted confirma el conocimiento y cumplimiento de los términos legales relativos al producto o productos en su país de residencia, así como su elegibilidad para adquirirlos y poseerlos.
  • Se aplican restricciones de envío a este producto. Consulte la Información adicional para descubrir nuestras zonas de no entrega.
  • El consumo de setas mágicas es responsabilidad exclusiva suya, así que asegúrese de informarse bien sobre su uso y sus efectos.