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Detalles de Revisión

Mondo® kit de cultivo McKennaii

Mondo® kit de cultivo McKennaii

Revisión de Producto (enviada en 2 de agosto de 2011):
Now these are amazing ones , i prefer them much better than Amazonians . Grow very fast with heating pads. It always takes me more+less a week to see shrooms starting to grow. Its amazing feeling see them growing every day so fast. I took dry these ones , usualy i make tea from fresh . So intense it was taking my breath away ( in good way ;) ) I start looking at the clouds at some points i start seeing all sky as 5D or 7D point oif view . Very hard to describe it . I saw clouds as as space and then they start growing , breathing , changing colors , shapes :D I couldnt stop watching. A lot of laughts . So peacefull . One of my best trips ever!!!