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McKennaii XP | Fresh Magic Mushrooms Grow Kit

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Kit de cultivo setas alucinógenas McKennaii XP de FreshMushrooms®

42 Revisión(es)

Disponibilidad: En stock

42,00 €
Multi Banco
Revisiones de Cliente (42)
3 flush still going
Nice kit was my first one all was going fine guess hard to mess it up.
for overyone that isnt sure how to grow them (FreshMushrooms®) kits there is a other how to on the website from them.
Revisión por Stonhed (Publicado en 8/7/2021)
It would be good if it would not be XP grow kit
The shrooms themselves are ok, for me they give more physical trip, body starts to feel very heavy,and super light at the same time. They are very good tools to get yur mind out of everyday world and take a look at everything from other perspective.

But I think that XP added is for marketing etc, because they did not felt more potent than shrooms from standart grow kits. Also the shrooms were very small. Got 4 harvests out of this grow kit, but the last one was only 3 small shrooms. Also the third harvest vas very small, with small shrooms.

Overall as I said - I expected a lot more from XP grow kit, I have managed to get way better results (more harvest and potency) from standart grow kits.

Revisión por :) (Publicado en 6/6/2021)
Great box!
I get 5 flushes qith 4 cold shocks. Total get around 60gr dry shrooms. Great product! And my mycel get contaminated after 2nd flush! Really strong and powerful box Revisión por Alex (Publicado en 22/10/2019)
Good service
As always good and fast delivery

Mckennaii was more philosophical so if you are new try mexicana instead
Revisión por izi (Publicado en 19/9/2019)
Gute Sorte
Hat gut geflusht. Weiter so! Revisión por Marco (Publicado en 27/6/2019)
Ich bin sehr zufrieden
Sehr schnelle Lieferung. Sehr kräftig durchwachsener Kuchen. 1.Flush nach 10 Tagen. Trotz warmen Wetter, tagsüber 28°C, habe ich sehr schöne Pilze geerntet. Ein voller Erfolg. Dankeschön MagicMushroomShop. Revisión por Sven (Publicado en 22/6/2019)
Top quality, not the best yield
I found the manual to be a bit inconclusive, because it said nothing clear about how often to mist and it was a bit confusing about what's to do with a heat map and what to do without one, so I didn't get the best yield so far (about 18g dried after the second flush). But when the second flush didn't work as expected, I put the cake upwards, and then the little friends started growing big. They're strange fellas, with a huge stem and big (one ended up with 2.5g dried).

Nonetheless, the quality and potency is superb. I found them tasting good, too. I took the whole first flush at once and for the second time in my life I talked with the mushroom spirit. I'll certainly go for it again, hopefully with more experience and a better yield then.
Revisión por Fungus Speaks (Publicado en 19/6/2019)
Nice Kit
Got good decent, very fast growing flushes. Very resistent to bacteria. Revisión por Nico (Publicado en 18/6/2019)
this shroom den megalonane
i hav problem with tis kit. Revisión por Vasilis (Publicado en 26/12/2018)
Great Service
I didn't get much of a flush from this kit though it was my very first and I'll do a lot differently next time. What really impressed me was the amazing service received from Magic Mushrooms Shop. Fast at replying to my query and fast shipping. Perfect customer service.
As for the effects, I'm yet to try so can't comment on this aspect.
Revisión por Chela (Publicado en 22/12/2018)

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Important information about FreshMushrooms® kit de cultivo McKennaii

  • La compra de este producto está restringida a personas mayores de 18 años.
  • Al iniciar una compra, usted confirma el conocimiento y cumplimiento de los términos legales relativos al producto o productos en su país de residencia, así como su elegibilidad para adquirirlos y poseerlos.
  • Se aplican restricciones de envío a este producto. Consulte la Información adicional para descubrir nuestras zonas de no entrega.
  • El consumo de setas mágicas es responsabilidad exclusiva suya, así que asegúrese de informarse bien sobre su uso y sus efectos.