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Detalles de Revisión

Microdosificación Trufas Mágicas - 6 x 1 gramos

Microdosificación Trufas Mágicas - 6 x 1 gramos

Revisión de Producto (enviada en 23 de abril de 2024):
Microdosing is a personal thing, since each person has his/her own metabolism, working in it's own way. I've been experimenting with 1g, 1/2g, once every 3 days, 3 days in 2 days out, taking with an empty stomach, taking at lunchtime, taking in the evening, and so on. Now I think I'm reaching an optimal point (3/4 days in 2 days out, 1g at the end of the afternoon)...These truffles help me, indeed, to maintain a more truthful self (less bullshit) and a healthy emotional availability (even though that also comes with its challenges).