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Flush of Amazonian XTC growkit

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PES Amazon cubensis kit de cultivo Extra Grande de setas mágicas

38 Revisión(es)

Disponibilidad: Menos de 5 en stock

499,00 SEK
Multi Banco
Revisiones de Cliente (38)
Potency as usual - much over the average, but with lower temperature (below 24 celsius) I got into some weird issues. At a temperature of over 24 degrees they grow brilliantly. As soon as the temperature drops (even by half a degree), the mushrooms fall asleep. This time I started growing with a temperature of 23 degrees. The first mushrooms appeared after about 4 weeks and were small, growing very slowly and there was very few of them. When it warmed up and the temperature rose to 24.5 degrees, the mushrooms got kicked and were able to grow large overnight. Either it's a matter of a specific growkit, or 24 degrees for PES is not the ideal temperature, but basically the lower limit at which they normally start to rise. Revisión por fifth element (Publicado en 22/10/2019)
Helpful Service
My first box was a delayed delivery and subsequently the cake turned green and fruited no more than 10g in total. Received a free re-ship and the customer service was fast and friendly Revisión por Maia (Publicado en 19/6/2019)
Slow but potent mushrooms
There was nothing growing inside my box for like 3 weeks, but then the shrooms decided to fill up the box. I got a great yield out of the first box, it flushed 5 times already and everytime the little devils are just as strong as the former ones. Currently waiting for my second PES box to give me what i want, already seeing those little ones growing big. Revisión por Satisfied Customer (Publicado en 12/7/2015)
Incredible company & product. Sent cash by post and got super fast delivery. I started at the end of March 2015 and so far I harvested 8 flushes with a total of 924g (fresh) mushrooms. I am curious to see if and how much more will come... It's important to work very clean! After every start it just took about 6 - 9 days to harvest.

I am speechless! The effect is outstanding with very visual trips. I just can recommend this product to every psychonaut!

Revisión por Red eye (Publicado en 23/6/2015)
great pruduct, great shop, great service
one day i was up do buy such a growkit.
so i checked the offers of a number of shops, that offer these products, but...
they were all too expensive and for the first time, i ditnt want to spend so much money in testing one of these growkits.
anyway i found this shop and i was surprised about the large variety of cubensis strains and the additional information about each of them. (its missing in other shops) These prizes are even fair in comparison to other vendors. So it was worth for me to buy directly a xl-growkit for testing.
So i ordered and on 18.11. my packet arrived.
Immediately i followed the first steps (watering and so on..)
and then... after 3 weeks there were no big changes. (there builded some spots of mycellium on the surface, that showed me, that the shroom is still living)
After this long 3 weeks i gave up my hope, that there will grow anything.
But one day, (05.12.) when i looked intothe box, i saw, that some , 0,3-0,6 mm long little mushrooms has builded. so i leaped for joy ;)
these little mushrooms where more and more, till i stopped counting.
now, on 09.12. they have reached a size of about 5-6 cm.
(e.g. i use a heat mat and through distance variation i created the perfect temperature of 24 degrees)
for all who decides for this product, i think its normal, that they need about 3 weeks, still the shrooms come.

finnaly i'm really pleased with this shop and i recomment it to others. So keep on with this great service!
My next order will be the "Albino A+" growkit (looks very interesting)

Best regards!

Revisión por psyguy (Publicado en 9/12/2013)
Der beste Brick aller Zeiten!
Bis zum ersten Flush ging es fast 3 Wochen und ich hatte schon Panik, dass nichts wächst. Nach 3 Wochen wuchsen die ersten Pilze und brachten mir während 3 Monaten einen Ertrag von fast 900 Gramm! Unglaublich, der Brick hat 7-mal geflusht und es gab bis zum Schluss keine Kontaminierung durch Schimmel. Natürlich habe ich immer sehr steril gearbeitet, das habe ich jedoch auch schon früher, als ich bei anderen Lieferanten bestellte, immer getan. Aber diese Bricks schimmelten dann trotzdem irgendwann.

Einzig die Deck-Erde ist bei diesem Brick etwas hart, so dass die Fruchtkörper oft vor allem auf der Seite gewachsen sind. Nach dem dritten Flush habe ich den Brick um 180 Grad in der Plastikbox nach oben gedreht, dann wuchsen die Dinger wieder Prima.

Nebst dem grossen Ertrag sind die Mushrooms auch sehr potent. Kurz gesagt: DER BESTE BRICK DEN ICH JE HATTE!!

Top Versand und Kundendienst!
Revisión por Entheogenis (Publicado en 16/10/2013)
1A produkt
Habe am 9.8.13 bewässert und heute am 23.8.13 sind schon die ersten Pilze ( 19) zu erkennen eins a Produkt hätte ich nicht gedacht auch Lieferung über lief spitze

Bestelle auf jedenfall wieder hier
Revisión por Dome (Publicado en 23/8/2013)
Einfach abgefahren! Ich bestell hier einige Jahre und jedesmal aufs Neue bin ich voll überzeugt!

Hier kann man nicht meckern!

Gute Reise! :-)))
Revisión por Munkelmann (Publicado en 19/7/2013)

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Important information about Mondo® kit de cultivo PES Amazon XL

  • La compra de este producto está restringida a personas mayores de 18 años.
  • Al iniciar una compra, usted confirma el conocimiento y cumplimiento de los términos legales relativos al producto o productos en su país de residencia, así como su elegibilidad para adquirirlos y poseerlos.
  • Se aplican restricciones de envío a este producto. Consulte la Información adicional para descubrir nuestras zonas de no entrega.
  • El consumo de setas mágicas es responsabilidad exclusiva suya, así que asegúrese de informarse bien sobre su uso y sus efectos.