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Thai Ban Hua kit de cultivo Extra Grande de setas mágicas Mondo®

10 Revisión(es)

Disponibilidad: Disponible de

34,95 €
Revisiones de Cliente (10)
Good quality
Took some a little more time to grow, but at the end, it was worth! Revisión por bruno (Publicado en 21/1/2024)
Nice growing & funny sunday
Easy to grow kit, more than one time grow, that brought us a very funny sunday afternoon. Revisión por Oriol (Publicado en 11/4/2022)
Small but potent
Received this kit as replacement to previous faulty one (FreshMushrooms, McKennaii ). Customer support suggested this strain and i trusted them as i am inexperienced in this and was my first time growing.
Support also sent new instruction as Mondo has few different requirements than Fresh.

First flush gave me 24g dried shrooms - amazing!
Second flush gave me around 10g dried.

Third flush was unsuccessful as i must have contaminated it. Definitely my fault not kits fault.

I ate ~1.5g dried on my first trip, tripped hard for 2hrs listening to music, having nice visuals. (F/75kg). they were more intense than i expected but i liked trip and planning next one.

Even if they do not give several flushes, they are strong.
Revisión por indominus (Publicado en 11/4/2022)
Very nice big mushrooms wonderful trip I am very satisfied great thank you! Revisión por Chris (Publicado en 16/3/2022)
Really fast and good yield and they make a nice trip too :) Revisión por L (Publicado en 9/2/2022)
2 orders, 2 great results
In both cases without any issues. Loads of mushrooms in 3 flushes. Also very potent Revisión por Thomas (Publicado en 21/1/2022)
Outstanding strain, would recommend! Revisión por faf (Publicado en 10/1/2022)
Amazing harvest, wonderful service
My first kid didn’t work after 3-4 weeks, and after asking me how I treated it, they send me a new one. Very friendly customer service. The mycelium of my first package was still pure white. It smelled perfect but nothing happened. So I continued to treat it well.
With the second kid, the replacement, I did something I never did before.
I build a mono top, created my own substrate, smashed the cake in the bag and mixed it together. I feld so strong within to make a new step to this experience. After 19 days, the substrate were full of hundreds of little pins. Amazing. And a week later I had my first harvest with 19,5 gr dry. And another 8 days later another great harvest, probably again so much dry. The fruit bodies were even bigger and the skin under the cap stayed close, even when they start to open slightly.
I am curious what flash 3 is looking like. Everything still healthy.
I work very clean, washing my arms and hands, gloves, mask, spraying
Alkohol on gloves and Arms, hold my breath when I open it, and for some actions I shower and brush my teeth. It’s really paying out.

First fresh grow kid. I don’t know what to say, thank you for replacing it, something beautiful but unexpected happened
After almost 6 to 7 weeks it surprised me with a rich first flush, a medium 2nd flush, together 13 or was it 15 gram dry. The cake is still smelling clean and intense like shrooms, the cake still has weight but nothing happened. The mycelium is now more fluffy. I decided today to try a cold shock in the fridge, but filled the box it only half with water, so it is not running above the top, an intuitive action.
Maybe, maybe a third flash. That would be great.
Very happy with the product and service.

Revisión por Javelin (Publicado en 25/11/2021)
amazin strain!
really easy to grow and super nice results Revisión por carolina (Publicado en 29/8/2021)
Nach zwei Wochen konnte man das erste Mal ernten. Geschmacklich und optisch interessant ???? Revisión por Leintaler (Publicado en 14/11/2019)

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Important information about Mondo® kit de cultivo Thai

  • La compra de este producto está restringida a personas mayores de 18 años.
  • Al iniciar una compra, usted confirma el conocimiento y cumplimiento de los términos legales relativos al producto o productos en su país de residencia, así como su elegibilidad para adquirirlos y poseerlos.
  • Se aplican restricciones de envío a este producto. Consulte la Información adicional para descubrir nuestras zonas de no entrega.
  • El consumo de setas mágicas es responsabilidad exclusiva suya, así que asegúrese de informarse bien sobre su uso y sus efectos.