Flush of Treasure Coast

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Treasure Coast cubensis kit de cultivo de setas mágicas

34 Revisión(es)

Disponibilidad: Menos de 10 en stock

37,50 €
Multi Banco
Revisiones de Cliente (34)
Good product
Thanks for the amazing product Revisión por MushieMan (Publicado en 6/5/2024)
Great value for money
Shipping and customer service great as always.
I had 2 big flushes already with each around 35g.
Potency is also pretty good. We tried 2.5g each with lemon tek and it gave us some 4h a middle strong trip.
For a more intense trip I would probably go up to 3-3.5g (with lemon tek) next time, but again potency-wise this is pretty good.
So overall I'm absolutely satisfied.
Revisión por Marco (Publicado en 7/4/2022)
I got about 27g dried mushrooms out of 3 flushes. I had a trip of 2,5g which was quite strong and lasted for about 4 hours. Very introspective effects, very deep and philosophical journey. Demanding now and then but controllable. I am a fan. Revisión por ozio (Publicado en 5/12/2021)
Happy !
Everything's fine with magic-mushrooms-shop.com !!
Very reactive customer service and shipping, good quality and longevity of the growkit. No problem at all. I'll never order at any other online shop.
THANK YOU magic-mushrooms-shop.com !!
Revisión por Joe (Publicado en 2/9/2021)
Great, but going DIY, if you can, is better.
Upon having issues with my XL (also treasure coast) which didnt fruit at all, I got a replacement of 2 of these kits for free as they no longer stocked the XL version. Compared to some other kits i had, they took longer to pin but produced heavier fruit bodies and larger harvests in general. Still, the fruits in the end were smaller than what I had expected but that is also due to the space limitations of the bag that they are put in. First harvest produced alot of side and underpins which was solved by putting the cake on its side and having it fruit from all sides. I would probably reccomend to get a monotub and put the cake in there instead of the bag though. All togehter I got 4 flushes out of both kits and they're still growing. Its been almost 2 months since i first recieved them.

Potency is alright. Ofcourse i did not do any extractions and its all subjective, but compared to the other shrooms I've tried before they were pleasantly strong.

4stars and not 5stars due to the design of the growkit, sidepins were impossible to prevent even though i taped the kit with blacktape to prevent light from shining on the sides. Putting the kit on its smallest surface (upright) solved this but then I had issues with the bag being too small and the mushrooms hitting the bag and getting condensation from the bag on the caps... If the bag was bigger it would be a 5*.
Revisión por Jan (Publicado en 24/5/2021)
Monstrueux !
J'en suis à ma 4eme flush ! Petit rendement sur mes 3premieres suite à des absence répété et donc je n'ai pu m'en occuper tout les jour mais la 4eme est énorme :D ! Il sont sacrément puissant ahah! Je recommande à tous ! Revisión por Nicolas (Publicado en 27/6/2019)
Strong Babys
Didnt have the ultra yield but about 3 or 4 good yields at the first flush. Just doing the 3. flush. Took about 1,8 g and it took me out of here. So veeery potent. Dont lose ur minde and be safe ! :D Revisión por godisinusall (Publicado en 6/3/2017)
Total Obliteration
It took a while but I ended up with a full box of mushrooms. My frist try with 2 grams left me with a warm glowy feeling and a hand full of valuable insights. My second trip with 6 grams took me to the edges of the cosmos where I lost all cohesion. An outpoor of emotion comforted by the warm embrace of the cosmos. But the hang over... oh my, the mother of all headaches and my body feeling like a wrung out tube of toothepaste. An amazing experience but won't be signing up for another trip anytime soon. Thank you so much. Revisión por Jeef (Publicado en 23/2/2017)
One of best ones
Perfect Revisión por Tomasz (Publicado en 23/2/2017)
Wauw! Wat een kweekset! Nu al 5 flushes gehad, de 6e is onderweg.

Ik heb pas 1 trip gehad op deze paddo's, het was de meest geweldige trip die ik ooit gehad heb!!! Helaas niet helemáál objectief omdat ik ook al oxazepam en speed had gebruikt.

Wel een ultieme aanrader trouwens! Deze combinatie heeft me mijn nr 1 drugavond bezorgd!!! :D

Revisión por lieke (Publicado en 26/5/2014)

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Important information about Mondo® kit de cultivo Treasure Coast

  • La compra de este producto está restringida a personas mayores de 18 años.
  • Al iniciar una compra, usted confirma el conocimiento y cumplimiento de los términos legales relativos al producto o productos en su país de residencia, así como su elegibilidad para adquirirlos y poseerlos.
  • Se aplican restricciones de envío a este producto. Consulte la Información adicional para descubrir nuestras zonas de no entrega.
  • El consumo de setas mágicas es responsabilidad exclusiva suya, así que asegúrese de informarse bien sobre su uso y sus efectos.