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Detalles de Revisión

Trufas mágicas High Hawaiians | 25 gramos

Trufas mágicas High Hawaiians | 25 gramos

Revisión de Producto (enviada en 19 de agosto de 2022):
It is been a few times that i order some magic truffles on this website, and every time, it was perfect: quick delivery, and very good quality product. This summer i bought 2 bags of 22 gr. One was for 2 friends and me, we took the product in a tea, in the mountains of the Alps, really sweet trip, wonderful feelings and visual effects. The second one was in Paris, for a friend and me, in tea again, and the experience was similar, sweet, not too strong, perfect to hang out along the Seine, walking (slowly :-D) and having some stops here and there.
What was so nice as well is that, both times, we took these during the afternoon, and after like 4 hours, the effect no longer existed and you could do whatever you needed, not being exausted, until late evening.
Perfect experience