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Detalles de Revisión

Mondo® pack de inicio al cultivo de setas

Mondo® pack de inicio al cultivo de setas

Revisión de Producto (enviada en 6 de julio de 2011):
Hello there
I would like to introduce myself, I come from Denmark and am a complete newbie in this magical world. Before I ordered this starter package, I had never tried any psychedelics.
I emailed the support, and got an answer really quick. I was told that it was no problem, and it also proved to be.
The package arrived 4 days after I had ordered it, and everything was there in the discrete box.
I simply took the box out and filled it with water, after 12 hours i Emptied it and put it in the bag on the heat pad and watched the magic happen. After aprox 10 days, I harvested my first flush, and boy was I excited!
I had some really big shrooms and some smaller ones. First flush: 186g fresh!! And all I did was fill it with water and pour it out again... WOW!
When I harvested, I was a bit worried that I might have damaged the mycelium during the process. Although little shrooms are popping up again already :) Cant wait for my next flush!

As for the trips... They are intense! I have never tried anything like it. It is very recommended to buy this starter package if you are walking around wanting to experiment with the magical world of mushrooms. Nothing can go wrong.. Really!

I hope that this review will help others decide to take the step, and start growing :)
When I ordered this I read basically every review on the site, but I didn't feel 100% confident that I would be able to pull it off. I was worried that I would screw up :)

Anyway, over and out from Denmark!
Happy growing and tripping!