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Trufas mágicas Atlantis | 15 gramos

Trufas mágicas Atlantis | 15 gramos

Revisión de Producto (enviada en 10 de junio de 2011):
I had tried the tampanensis truffles and they were nice and mellow and could be enjoyed in a group of friends, but the Atlantis are a different trip altogether.
I would only recommend these to experienced trippers who understand the far out regions these substances can take you to.

So here it is,

I closed my eyes and went to the planet Saturn. I was floating in space, my body made of light beams, staring down on the moons and rings of saturn. This felt perfectly normal at the time, as if someone was saying, 'of course we can take you out of your body, show you outer space'. I didnt feel terrified or frightened, just interested and humbled that whatever it was had brought me to inner/outer space. I coud see rivers of stars reaching far out into the ocean of space and the night was deep and dark blue like the night sky at full moon.

After this i opened my eyes and when i closed them again i immediately was sent to and underworld nightclub made of the richest and deepest shade of majenta ive ever seen, more intense than colours in this world. This place was similar in some ways to Alex Greys 'Net Of Being ' picture, because no matter where i went it seemed each cormer led to more rooms, an unending labyrinth of light and space and sound. I was also not my usual body, no arms legs head etc, i felt like pure conciousness, similar say to one single eye floating on its own, aware but not connected to anything and in this cavernous place I was exploring were hanging disco balls flashing silver beams into eternity and muticoloured beams of light and prisms flashing.... well and truly psychedelic stuff!!:) and i was listening to an internal music, completely original that i have never heard before, i got the thought that i might make this music someday, my own inner electronic music, how can psilocybin make me hear music never heard in the 'real' world'? how can it show me outer space? I dont know but i accept it for what it is..... a beautiful mystery.

As i came out of this i held up my arm and looked at my wrist, its bones and tendons so fragile, wrapped in a thin film of subtle skin yet perfectly composed to carry out tasks like drawing, holding, touching, throwing, building...etc, i then put on some music and watched my hands dance in the air above my bed and felt completely fluid, i wish i had got up and danced but i was so high all i could do was lie there and smile:)

I recently read the book Inner Paths to Outer Space, by Rick Strassman, and this trip proved everything that book was trying to say, and boy was it fun:)!!!!!!